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are you an author who longs for intentional representation?

Let’s face it. The publishing industry is constantly changing and tricky to navigate.

You need an advocate who responds quickly, helps shape your career, and mentors you toward growth and higher sales. You’re doing the hard work, inking your heart on the page. It’s time for you to be heard, seen, and encouraged as you shape words for the next generation of readers.

Mary is an author’s agent, having been in publishing more than twenty years, with more than 40 books to her credit. One of her greatest joys is pouring into, mentoring, and shepherding authors. Because she’s experienced nearly everything a published writer faces, she knows how to help you write, hone, and sell your books. 

Her specialty? Empowering you to build your platform and market your book, the tasks that typically stress authors the most.

If you’re an author looking to expand your career, if you’ve longed for mentoring and connection, Mary DeMuth Literary warmly welcomes you to submit a query below.

Because you shouldn’t publish alone.

what we look for 

beautiful writing

Have you been wrangling words for a long time? Do you love to read? Turn a phrase? Have others commented positively on your prose? Are you a lifelong student of the writing craft?



Mary’s placement, promotion, and writing expertise is primarily in nonfiction. She loves books that don’t sound like every other book on the Christian bookshelf. Are you willing to tell the truth? Are you courageous on the page?


To effectively sell your book, you have to have an audience, whether through email, social media, podcasting, or other media outlets.  Are you teachable and willing to grow in this area?

book types

Mary is looking for Christian living titles that grow people and the global church coming from a biblical worldview. She is also pursuing gift, design, and art-based books, in addition to books by theologically astute leaders.


grit & growth

Are you humble, willing to learn new ways to write, edit, and promote your book? How well do you handle rejection? Have you considered writing your business, not a hobby?


Christian publishing is all about relationships and connection. We’d love to consider representing people who love people, who pursue conversation, and see this writers journey as an adventure of meeting new people.

Our Authors

Client's Books

query us

We would love to hear from you!

Query us if you meet the following criteria:

  • You've written a nonfiction book proposal, three sample chapters, and a query letter.
  • You have a robust platform of at least 50,000 followers across all social media platforms and have a growing email distribution list.
  • You've read the six boxes above and see that you're a fit for this agency.

We usually respond to your query within two weeks. If you prefer to email us (and not use this form), you can do so at


7 Reasons I say No

7 Reasons I say No

My friend Rebecca suggested I write this post. She felt authors might be curious to look beyond the curtain of this agency and see the rationale behind the NO. I agree, so here we are! In my last post, I talked about nefarious publishing practices. In response to...

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Need expert help?

Mary is happy to meet with you about your publishing conundrums and questions. Simply click the box below and sign up for a one-hour slot. Come prepared with questions and specific ways Mary can help you take your next best step toward publishing your book.

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